It's time for some retail therapy


Timpi Essentials Course

Want to build a thriving VA business on your own terms but don’t have the time or money to invest in the Timpi Academy? Timpi Essentials is the next best thing - a DIY course that teaches you the key information you need to establish yourself as a credible VA. 

This self-guided course takes you through the steps you need to take to become a fully functioning virtual assistant. You set the deadlines and get access to the course materials as and when you want them.

Sign up for instant access to all the modules and printable worksheets in our premium Timpi Academy course at an incredible price.

Learn more here

What's included

8 x Modules 

Printable workshops

Lifetime Access


 ** Please note, any bolt-ons need to be requested on checkout **




✨ Pay in full - £195

Timpi Tranformation Course

Ready to create a truly successful VA business on your own terms? I created the Timpi Academy to help people who are serious about becoming a VA (like you!) to establish themselves as credible VAs. 

This eight-week course guides you through the full process, teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know. With tools and templates, a library of trusted resources, a community of like-minded individuals and 3 x 121 power hours, and not to mention an email and website, you’ll get all the support you need to make a success of your business.


Learn more here.

 What's included 

8 x Modules over 8 weeks

121 Unlimited Support for 8 weeks via Slack

3 x VA Power Hours

Website, Domain & Email

Printable & Interactive workbooks

Access to The Timpi Vault

Guest Experts

Lifetime Access



✨ Pay in full - £945 - Get an EXTRA 1:1 bonus call!



✨Pay in 3 x £65 per month



✨ Pay in 3 x £315 per month

Kick-off call checklist

Get your new client relationships off to the best possible start with this kick-off call conversation guide. It details everything you need to do to ensure a smooth onboarding and positive working relationship with your new client.


Buy Now £13.50

Discovery call checklist

Starting from scratch with your discovery calls can be tiring and result in you missing important information. Use this conversation guide to create consistent and effective discovery calls. You’ll give clients a great impression while making sure you get all the information you need.


Buy Now £13.50



Offboarding a client is the kind of thing many VAs don’t think about until the day a client hands in their notice. This often means panic and a scramble to make sure everything’s done properly. However, set up a systematic offboarding process and you’ll not only make life easier for yourself, but you’ll give your soon-to-be ex-client a better experience too, leading to a greater likelihood of referrals and positive testimonials. It will also mean you’re compliant with data protection regulations - essential for any virtual assistant. 


Buy Now £7.50

Tricky conversations email templates 

 Awkward conversations are part and parcel of running a successful business. These five empowering email templates will help you deal with a range of common - yet slightly uncomfortable - situations. From raising your rates to chasing late invoices, these templates will help you communicate clearly and confidently. 


Buy Now £10.00

Onboarding Checklist 

Transform your client relationships with a thorough, well-planned onboarding process. Instead of rushing straight into paid work, spend a small amount of time working through the steps in this guide and you’ll create healthier, happier working relationships. 


Buy Now £7.50

Can't decide?

 Bundle up and purchase all three products for just £30!

✨ Tricky conversations 

✨ Discovery call check list

✨ Kick-off call checklist 



Buy Now £30

The VA Power Hour

Want a little extra support? Buy the 121 power hour and you get an hour-long video call with me to chat through questions, ask for advice and bounce any ideas off me. 





Buy Now £127

Grab your FREE resources below


Keep your eyes peeled... more freebies coming soon!

12 steps to setting up your own VA busines



7 failsafe checklists to help you work from anywhere



27 tasks you can help your e-commerce clients with



95 platforms to make life as a VA easier



35 services to offer in a lifestyle management service



“Perhaps the best part is the sense of community. Being remote can sometimes be lonely but with this I feel as though I have an extra family. The support and companionship means there’s always someone to help if I get stuck”