Live the life you want and build a thriving VA business on YOUR OWN terms


Ready to make your mark as a virtual assistant and desperate to find the flexibility and financial freedom you need?

You’re in the right place. Timpi Essentials gives you the facts you need and the lessons you want so you can:

  • Market your business and tell your ideal clients all about you and how you can help them
  • Find dreamy clients who respect you and your terms. (No flaky or creepy clients for you!)
  • Know how to nail what you offer to suit your skills and be clear about what you stand for.
  • Live life on your terms without being all things to all people.
  • Work safely, securely and sensibly with all the basics in place 🤓
  • Make meaningful progress by working towards a future you know you deserve.

Just imagine having everything you need to build a reputation as a seriously fantastic virtual assistant, and doing so on your own terms


I'm Ready

But let's get real. Right now, life might feel a bit like this


✖️ Broken by your daily commute and crazy expectations at work.

✖️ Exhausted of workplace politics and petty gossip

✖️ Bored to the back teeth of doing a job you don't care about

✖️ Sick of asking for holiday leave and having to fit round everyone else’s plans.

✖️ Desperate to quit your job but terrified of not making enough money to survive.

✖️ Working stupid hours and missing out on precious family time that you just won’t get back.

✖️ Guilty about dosing your kids up with Calpol so they can attend school or nursery because you just can't miss another day of work.

✖️ Dreaming of the freedom and independence that comes with self-employment yet feeling like it's an unrealistic dream. 


 ✖️ Working so hard that you deprioritise exercising, hobbies and even sleep. Your physical and emotional health have never been worse.

✖️ Snapping at your partner, kids and family because no you're continuously exhausted by the juggle.

✖️Downloading every freebie you see and hoping they will magically solve all your problems.

✖️ Simultaneously envying and admiring other self-employed people. If only you could be like them!

✖️ Having no idea what services to offer and whether people would even want to hire you in the first place.

✖️ Flummoxed by the idea of how much to charge potential clients (and terrified they wouldn’t pay you anyway).

✖️ And above all, you’re ready, (so, so ready) to make a change but don’t know where to begin.


You know something needs to change, but you’re just not sure what. Or how!


This is me. I'm in!

What you really need is


✔️ Real-life advice from someone who’s done the work and got the t-shirt.

✔️ A host of ways to find clients you’ll LOVE working with and who love working with you.

✔️ Advice on pricing your services so you can live the life you want and save for your future.

✔️ Tools and templates that simplify the things you find challenging.

✔️ A course you can complete on a timescale that suits YOUR needs

✔️ A community of like-minded souls to support you through thick and thin.

✔️ A course which you can pay for without complete on a sacrificing your family holidays or renovation project.


“Nothing but positive comments! Steph has had 100% confidence in me and provided the most valuable support, whether talking through client expectations or how to source new clients.”



8 modules

In just 8 modules, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get your VA business up and running. You’ll get a full range of materials including a video, printable workbook, interactive workbooks, and a learning summary.



Flexible learning

This is a self-paced learning guide so you get access to everything as and when you want it. Complete the course in a day or over a year - it’s up to you! You’ll get a full range of materials including a video, printable workbook, and a learning summary.


Lifetime access

You’ll never feel like you don’t know the answer with lifetime access to your course materials. This way, you can tap into the modules and any bolt-on webinars any time you need to go back and check something.



Private Community 

Your very own private community where you can share advice and support with your peers and build up a network of supporters that will be with you throughout your career.



No-nonsense resources

Get inside knowledge about the proven platforms you NEED to know as a VA - what to use, what to avoid, and how to get the best security and value for money. You’ll also get access to free resources, insanely useful worksheets and templates.


And that's not all ...

You can also upgrade your Timpi Essentials course with our brilliant bolt-ons


Access to me

Want a little extra support? Buy the 121 bolt-on and you get an hour-long video call with me to chat through questions, ask for advice and bounce any ideas off me. You can book as many of these as you like - Timpi Academy students get three 121s as part of their package.


Email & Website 

Don’t feel daunted by web-design! This no-brainer bolt-on gives you access to the website design package that’s included in the Timpi Academy. You’ll get a professionally built website, domain registration, website hosting, email address, security certificates and privacy policy to help you launch yourself online with a bang.


Details person?

Me too. Here’s what you’ll cover each week.


Services & Ideal Clients 

Let’s get the basics sorted. What services will you offer and who are your ideal clients? We dig into niching to help you decide if it’s right for you and your business. You’ll also learn to decide who your ideal clients are and how to identify potential ‘red flags’.



Pricing & Availability

It’s time to talk money! How much money will you need to earn to meet your goals, and what does that mean for the hours you need to work? You’ll also discover how to find enough time to work on your business and for your new clients, even if you’re still in a full-time role

Legal & Compliance

Onto the small print - talking about contracts, insurance, GDPR. It’s not exciting, but it is essential to protecting you and your clients. It’s also crucial if you want to find success as a self-employed VA.




It’s time to get visible! Here’s where we focus on creating a meaningful presence for you and your business. We’ll help you decide on a company name and establish your branding, and give you advice and support to work on your domain name and emails. You’ll also start to set up your own website and social media accounts.


Marketing your business to help you thrive! This module teaches you about the best marketing tools for your Virtual Assistance business and how to use them. We drill into Google My Business, networking, and social media connections as well as the dos and don’ts of freelance platforms.


Look after your health and you look after your business - if you’re unwell, you can’t work! This module digs into the importance of self-care. This includes ways to work from home effectively and how to set boundaries with your clients (and friends and family) when you establish your business.


Finding your first client

Ready to get started and find your first client? You’ll dive into the different techniques you can use to find clients who fit your ideal client persona, including content marketing, SEO and advertising. We also teach you how to engage with your audience, how to use cold emails and tips to make your follow-ups more effective.


Onboarding your first client 

You did it! You’ve got your first client, and this final module gives you everything you need to onboard your client smoothly and professionally. You’ll learn how to host an effective discovery call and how to establish a failsafe onboarding process for every new client. This module includes a batch of real-life templates, including a welcome email template and kick-off call templates to make sure you capture all the information you need, every single time.

Sign me up

I will help you learn to: 


✔️ Launch your VA business in a way that’s authentic to who you are.

✔️ Build a sustainable business model that fits around your lifestyle.

✔️ Decide what services you want to offer (and which ones you don’t!).

✔️ Identify the working practices that work for you and the ones that don't 

✔️ Recognise and find your ideal clients so you can grow your business with confidence.

✔️ Manage your clients and pre-empt common situations.

✔️ Become seen as an expert in the industry who everyone wants to work with.


“I could not be happier. Steph is so supportive and always on hand to answer any, and help with, any questions or issues”

- Caroline


I know exactly what your going through 


It frustrates the 💩 out of me when being a VA is sold as an ‘easy’ way to make a living. Some ‘experts’ say that all you need is a laptop and smartphone to make a living and find financial freedom. 

But that’s a load of rubbish.

Being a high-quality virtual assistant is hard work. But it’s also immensely rewarding if you get it right. And trust me, to get it right you need more than a laptop! 



I’ve gone through the process of becoming a VA, supported the VAs in my agency, and mentored virtual assistants at the start of their careers. And I’ve seen the same things time and time again. So believe me, there’s very little that surprises or shocks me.

Truth bomb - you’ll face a whole lot of bumps in the road when you become self-employed. 


When I first started out there was almost no help and I made a LOT of mistakes. Things were definitely not plain sailing. It was a lot of fun, but I’d have grown more quickly if I had had the right support. It could also be isolating. I didn’t know many other VAs and it wasn’t as if I could reach out to ask my clients to tell me what I should do!

The Timpi Essentials programme is my way of bringing these learnings to life - sharing the mistakes I made when setting up my own business, all at an accessible price and on a complete-at-your-own-pace timescale.


Enrol today!

“Perhaps the best part is the sense of community. Being remote can sometimes be lonely but with this I feel as though I have an extra family. The support and companionship means there’s always someone to help if I get stuck”



Imagine if you…


had a book of amazing clients you loved working with, Sunday night dread - what's that?

earned enough money to give you and your family financial security now and in the future.

could work on your terms, taking holiday and days off whenever you want or need to.

had the kind of job that gave you a glow of satisfaction because you're making a true difference to other people’s lives.

Knew how to deal with  the inevitable bumps in the road, because you’d be equipped with the knowledge, tools and network to help you work through them.


“Steph is lovely, I can ask her anything, she is always on hand to help! She has no judgement on others and promotes an easy breezy atmosphere”



I want this

Sign up today...


✨ Pay in full - £195
✨ Pay in 3 - £65 per month